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Child Support and Maintenance in Colorado With the Coronavirus Restrictions


COVID-19 has had far-reaching effects on citizens and businesses everywhere. Here in Colorado, we are seeing thousands of employees being furloughed, others being terminated or working with reduced pay, and other major economic changes. Life can be pretty hectic right now, especially if you are responsible for raising your children on your own or paying child support. Individuals who must pay child support, spousal support (or alimony), or any other form of maintenance may need relief during these unprecedented times, having been impacted by layoffs or furloughs.

If you’re a parent dealing with the complicated process of child support or maintenance in Colorado, then it can help to reach out to our family lawyers in Greeley or Erie for assistance. Peek Goldstone, LLC provides innovative strategies to help our clients in need, address a wide range of legal issues ranging from family law (adoptions, child support and custody, divorces) to tax law, estate planning, and mediation services.

Keep reading to learn more about modifying your child support or maintenance responsibilities during COVID-19 restrictions, then be sure to contact us if you’re in need of assistance. Peek Goldstone is operating virtually during the coronavirus closures, and we’re ready to assist you with remote services during these unprecedented times.

Changing Challenges

In the weeks before our Governor declared a safer at home order, many families were already struggling to make ends meet. The economic impact of this pandemic has caused a lot of upheaval and uncertainty for Coloradans, making it essential to work with a local family lawyer to navigate the process to ensure that your financial needs are understood in addition to the needs of your child.

Court Orders Remain in Effect

One thing to remember during this pandemic is that all court orders are still active. Despite major closures in the local courts, all parties included in your child support or maintenance plan are still required to follow the proper protocol closely. 

Contrary to what many Coloradans think, losing a job or being furloughed due to the novel virus are not feasible reasons not to pay court-ordered child support. Modifications will need to be made by the Court in order to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved.

Family Law

Modifying Child Support or Maintenance

Before seeking the help of the Court to modify child support or maintenance, Colorado law requires the two parties to communicate with each other (or between their lawyers, if they have legal representation). Many families are impacted by the coronavirus, creating the need for updated or customized agreements between both parties. You may be able to temporarily reduce your payments owed, making up the amount within a set amount of time. Or, you may be able to reach an agreement where you suspend any payments until a certain date, with a makeup schedule allowing you to catch up on your financial obligations.

Filing a Motion to Modify

Ideally, negotiations can be made without the court. If an agreement was not found, a motion to modify your child support or maintenance can be filed. Pandemic restrictions have impacted our local courts, limiting the number of hearings and only allowing for emergency situations (such as criminal matters and public safety). It could be months before your motion is heard, providing little relief in the meantime.

Contact Our Family Lawyers Today

Peek Goldstone in Greeley and Erie offers legal support and representation for clients across Colorado, relying on our experienced and diverse team to address your needs and tailor a plan to help you achieve peace of mind. During this time, we offer virtual services to help our clients in need, and we’ll be ready to discuss your child support or maintenance situation.

Contact us today to get in touch with our family law firm.

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