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Working From Home Due to COVID19? Here are 4 Steps to Be More Productive


For many Americans, working from home can prove to be an exciting prospect, although it does not come without some concerns. Sure, you can attend meetings in sweatpants and benefit from your own private restroom facility, but keep in mind that working from home also provides all of the distractions of being at home. 

Peek Goldstone, LLC is here to serve as Erie and Greeley’s trusted law firm to help residents navigate legal issues to the best of our abilities. During the COVID-19 closures, we are open virtually via telephone and video conferencing services to help individuals with their unique legal needs, such as navigating parenting agreements.

Keep reading for four steps to be more productive during this time, and be sure to contact us if you have questions or need legal assistance.

Sick ChildResume Your Normal Routine

The process of working from home can impact your productivity before you even turn your computer on. We recommend sticking to your established routine to give your brain a few “triggers” that it is time to focus in and begin working. Changing your morning plans now may make the rest of the day more challenging, so do your best to stick to the schedule!

If your normal routine is to wake up at 6:00, exercise, shower, and eat breakfast before beginning your workday, do your best to stick to the same plan. Those with longer commutes can arguably take the extra time to sleep in, but should still check off all of the activities of their morning routine. 

Set a Schedule Instead of a Vague Plan

Once you get into work, it’s helpful to rely on a set schedule to get everything done in a timely manner. Many workers struggle initially to complete tasks, as they are now the sole person accountable for getting the job done. Instead of relying on a vague plan for how you’ll work through quarantine, we recommend creating a fairly set schedule.

Creating a schedule does not mean that you have to plan your entire day around work. In fact, it’s more productive to include breaks and other tasks to remain focused once the time for work comes around. When you are setting your plan, be sure to account for all of your daily activities, including caring for your children, walking the dog, and taking a lunch break. Everyone is unique, which is why it often proves beneficial for each employee to set their own schedules.

If you’re tasked with working with a team, be sure to discuss your schedule with them to create the most collaborative results. This allows you to focus on your planned tasks as opposed to worrying about answering calls or emails. The same plan should also apply to family and loved ones, where your work time is reserved just for work. Through this action, you can minimize distractions and also get more done.

Protect Your Rights

Designate Your Workspace

Working from your bed sounds good — a little too good. It’s important to designate a workspace in your home to create a space focusing on getting work done. If you do not have a desk, this space can consist of a dining room table or any equivalent area. Try to separate this space as much as possible from the rest of your home to create a clear line of when it is time to work and when you can focus on other things. If you have children, remind them that this area is specifically for work and not play. 

Keep Your Space Clean and Tidy

During these times, it can feel like you’re not in control of your life. Maintaining a clean workspace can help to improve your work focus, reduce stress, and maximize your time spent working. Instead of fumbling through piles of papers, you can benefit from a clean, clear desktop organization that helps to maintain order. This will make you happier in the long run, and will likely improve the quality of your work.

Need Legal Assistance?

While our law firm in Greeley and Erie is closed during this time, Peek Goldstone, LLC is available remotely for a variety of legal services, including parental rights, wills and trusts, probate support, notary services, and more. We also offer virtual mediation services!

Contact us today for complete service, or call our local attorneys in Erie or Greeley to get started. We look forward to hearing about the benefits of working from home with our steps, and will be happy to discuss your legal needs.

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